Hero Songs Wikia
Cartoon Songs
Anime Songs
Video Game Songs
Theatrical Songs

Cartoon Songs

The most wondrous songs of western animation

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Anime Songs

Inspiring anthems from your favorite animes

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Video Game Songs

The most daring digital ditties

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Theatrical Songs

Terrific tunes from the theater

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Cartoon Songs
Anime Songs
Video Game Songs
Theatrical Songs


The Rainbow Connection

"The Rainbow Connection" is one of the late Jim Henson's most iconic songs from his Muppets franchise. The song is about how it is foolish to look to the magical for answers, and instead you should believe in yourself.

To Vote for the next Song of the Month, go to Hero Song Wiki:SotM
For a complete list of Song of the Month winners, see here.


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HeroesWiki HeroismWiki RealLifeHeroesWiki

VillainSongWiki Villainswordmark Natey

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About Us

The Hero Song Wiki is a database cataloguing all of the songs by heroes, about heroes or with heroes. It also includes themes and instrumental works that are written for these pure characters or embody their heroic ways.

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